soft tissue therapy massage
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Soft Tissue Therapy

On the initial session your medical history, presenting symptoms and postural assessment will be thoroughly examined. A treatment plan will then be prescribed using the following principles and techniques:

Advanced treatment techniques
Remedial exercise and advice
Injury prevention and recurrence
Posture and core strength improvement
Return to full fitness and activity

Deep Tissue Massage (DTM)

DTM uses effleurage, pettrisage and frictions to achieve numerous results including: improvement in circulation (blood supply & oxygen to cells), improvement in lymphatic and waste removal, improvement in flexibility, improvement in range of movement, promote and speed up recovery post injury and post exercise, increased deep tissue hydration, breakdown and realignment of scar tissue, release of tension, improvement in muscle function, relieve muscle spasm and imbalance, reduce stress, improve well-being.

Soft Tissue Release (STR)

STR is used to restore tissue length, release areas of tension such as scar tissue or adhesions and realign fibres within the muscles, tendons, ligaments or surrounding fascia.

Neuromuscular Technique (NMT)

NMT, also known as Trigger point therapy involves the use of static pressure on specific points throughout the body to relieve pain.  Manipulation of these points within the muscles and soft tissues aims at re balancing the central nervous system releasing tension and improving range of movement and blood flow through the tissues.

Muscle Energy Techniques (MET)

MET’s are used to stretch and lengthen tight muscles and areas of adhesion whilst releasing tension and restoring normal function and elasticity.

Connective Tissue Massage
(Myofascial release)

A type of massage aimed at treating the interconnecting tissue that binds and connects all the muscles within the body. Releasing myofacial restrictions can relieve chronic tension, improve posture, allow free movement of muscles, increase range of movement and improve the overall health of the body.

Positional Release Technique

A gentle technique that allows a muscle to relax and resume a normal resting length through the ‘resetting’ of strained tissues on a neurological level.

Kinesiology Taping (K-Taping)

Kinesiology tape can be used across a wide variety of injuries and scenarios, applied along and across muscles, ligaments and tendons it helps to prevent injury and speed up recovery. Lightweight, hardwearing and flexible it will support weak or injured muscles, reduce tension within tight over worked muscles and allow you to continue to remain active.  K-Tape application will also reduce inflammation and pain whilst increasing blood flow and waste removal thus promoting a faster recovery.

Sports Massage

"Whether you are a regular or occasional exerciser or compete at any level, sports massage provides treatment to keep you in optimum functional condition."

Combining deep tissue massage and advanced stretching techniques, regular preventative sports massage will ensure your muscular system and posture are working in balance. Sports Massage reduces tension in tight muscles and will keep you injury free whilst reducing recovery time between training sessions. 

If you have suffered an injury sports massage provides
treatment and rehabilitation for:

Breaks and fractures

Muscle and tendon strains

Ligament sprain

Scar tissue breakdown and remodel

Overuse injuries

Restoration of range of movement

Loss of flexibility

Compensatory imbalances

Postural correction